
We send regular Newsletters via E-mail, to report on the current developments of the project. Here you can view messages and sign up for the newsletter. The archive of previous LIFE project newsletters can be found under the menu item Media. If you don’t want to wait for the next newsletter, you can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.

News 2024

Delayed autumn migration

The autumn migration is delayed again this year: On 22 November, 34 birds from the two breeding colonies Burghausen and...


On 14 September we reached the Val del Olocau airfield north of Valencia after 33 days of migration.

News 2023

News 2022

Merry Christmas!

It was an eventful and exciting year for the Waldrappteam. Also thanks to your support, we were able to successfully implement many goals and measures.

Exciting autumn migration

Some time has passed since we arrived in Tuscany on 2nd September with the hand-raised young birds. After a few weeks of acclimatisation in the aviary, these birds have now...


Hannibal is a female Northern Bald Ibis with an exciting personality and a very unique life history. In 2015, she was hand-raised in Salzburg by two human foster parents. In...

Reason for Hope: Visit from Jane Goodall

In the last week, Jane Goodall visited the European LIFE Northern Bald Ibis project. This famous and charismatic scientist revolutionized our society’s thinking about the relationship between humans and animals...

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