Exciting breeding season
The migrating population of Northern Bals Ibises currently comprises four breeding colonies, three of them north of the Alps and one in Carinthia. 19 breeding pairs are breeding in these colonies this season and the first chicks have already hatched.
First young bird fledges at the training camp at Binningen airfield
Despite continuous rain, the first juvenile bird fledged today at the training camp at Binningen airfield in the municipality of Hilzingen, Baden-Württemberg.
Human-led migration 2023: Beginning of hand-rearing at Rosegg Zoo
The 16th human-led migration begins. In the last few days, 18 chicks have already been taken from the nests of the breeding colony at Zoo Rosegg in Carinthia.
An exciting breeding season is starting for our Northern Bald Ibises
As usual, spring migration has started in the second half of March this year. Only sexually mature birds normally take part in the spring migration and they generally migrate alone, sometimes in small groups.
Consequences of climate change: New challenges and prospects for the European Northern Bald Ibis LIFE-project
In 2022, the majority of wild Northern Bald Ibises from the breeding colonies north of the Alps failed to cross the Alps during the autumn migration. This situation was alarming for the Waldrappteam, but not entirely surprising.
New paper published on the impact of biologging devices in Northern Bald Ibises
Remote monitoring by use of biologging technology is essential for our conservation project. The regularly transmitted GPS positions of most of our birds provide essential data for research on their spatial behaviour and their migration patterns in particular.
Characterization of Northern Bald Ibis formations using Fuzzy Modelling
After the recent publication of a key-paper on the demographic development of the Northern Bald Ibis population (link), a study has now also been published that was created as part of a research project on formation flight in birds (FWF P 30620-BBL) funded by the Austrian Research Fund FWF.
On the road to self-sustainability: Recently published analysis provides positive forecasts for the European reintroduction program with the Northern Bald Ibis
A recently published paper in the journal ORYX evaluates the success of the European reintroduction project for the Northern Bald Ibis.